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CBC Manitoba “Up to Speed” interview about Victoria’s Hudson Bay Building

Shaun McIntyre, Partner of our Victoria Studio, spoke yesterday on CBC Manitoba’s “Up to Speed” broadcast about our Victoria Hudson’s Bay redevelopment project, and how it may inform the newly announced redevelopment of the Winnipeg HBC Building.  Merrick Architecture completed the adaptive reuse and rehabilitation of Victoria’s historic Hudson’s Bay Building (2010), the Victoria Public Market at The Hudson (2013), and the adjacent Hudson Mews Building (2014) and as part of our successful rezoning for the overall Bay Site Redevelopment.

Click the link to listen to the interview: https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-111-up-to-speed/clip/15908795-another-hudson-bay-building-successfully-brought-21st-century

For more information about our Hudson Bay project in Victoria, click here.